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Tips in Cleaning Your Power Tools

 Tips in Cleaning Your Power Tools

For Jigsaws, drills, chain saws, etc.

Here’s What You Will Need When Cleaning Your Power Tools:

  • Use working gloves
  • Compressed air – a can (this is readily available in home improvement stores)
  • Some cleaning rags
  • Bucket or container
  • Hot water
  • Commercial cleaner (either Pine-Sol, Spic ‘n Span, and etc)
  • Some dry old towels
  • Steel wool
  • Toothbrush or small brush

How to Clean:

  1. You need to wear heavy duty gloves whenever you are handling power tools, especially those having sharp cutting edges.
  2. Make sure to ALWAYS check the manufacturer’s directions and recommendations for proper cleaning and maintenance of your power tools, and make sure that you follow any specific instructions carefully.
  3. Make sure that you DISCONNECT all power cords of the tool that is being cleaned.
  4. When cleaning a chainsaw, jigsaw, or any such type of power tool that has the tendency to collect sawdust, then you need to use the compressed air. You have to spray out any sawdust and dirt that is collected within the grooves and crevices of the tool.
  5. Fill in a large bucket or container with a specified or measured amount of hot water (usually about a gallon or two, measurement varies on the number of tools you are washing) and add a certain amount of commercial cleaner that is indicated on the product instructions based on the amount of water used.
  6. Wet a cleaning rag with the cleaning solution in it and wring out thoroughly so that it is just damp and not wet or dripping – it’s going to be a messy area if you use a very wet or dripping rag for sure! Wipe down the tool’s surface with the damp rag. Make sure that you avoid getting any water inside or around the power cables or motor casings to avoid electrocution or any accidents.
  7. You can then dry your power tools properly with an old towel.
  8. Using a small brush or toothbrush, clean around any switches or toggles and making sure that you remove any debris or dust that may hinder with the proper operation of any of those switches.
  9. Using a DRY rag, wipe down the power cord section and check carefully for any cuts, scratches or damages. If you find that the cord is damaged, it should be REPLACED right away or before you use the power tool again.
  10. For the exposed metal parts of the tool, make sure to check them for rust. If there is any instance of rust, make sure to remove it by rubbing it with the steel wool.

Additional Tips and Advice

  • NEVER place or submerge your power tool in water, especially when cleaning.
  • NEVER try to clean a power tool while it is plugged in or operational! A risk of serious injury electrocution will occur!
  • Do not oil power tools unless stated by the manufacturer.
  • Cleaning the dirt or dust from your power tools after every use can make your job much easier.
  • Make sure to always dry your tools thoroughly after cleaning. Storing your tools while wet  can cause them to rust and eat away at the metal.

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