Simple Tips on Maintaining Your Power Tools
Simple Tips on Maintaining Your Power Tools
Investing on power tools is costly and you want to make sure that they last. Though some power tools may have their own protection to last them for a long time, they still need basic care to prevent from any premature wear and tear. So here are the tips to follow on how to extend the life of your power tools and make sure they perform smoothly for years to come.
Power Tool Maintenance Tips:
- Keep them always dry. Wear and tear occurs when they are not properly stored. So when you are ready to store your tools away, keep them always in a dry place – away from any excessive heat or cold. Remember that moisture can rust any metals especially on your power tools and this includes any electrical components. So be careful where you store them.
- Clean and control any dust and dirt. Wood particles, metal shavings, dusts and other form of particles are all bad for your power tools, most especially with cordless ones. These particles if they are not cleaned or if they stay in your power tools, can greatly slow down its performance and motor especially on a power drill. As soon as you are finished using your power tools, make sure to use a can of compressed air to blow out any particles that are in vents, cracks, opening or anything that can collect dust and shavings.
- Cleaning regularly. Grimes, dust, dirt and grease can definitely slow down your power tool’s performance. Make sure to wipe down any dirt, dust, grease or grime after you are finished using the tools. Scheduling a general or deep cleaning – disassembling tool parts, is advisable as they need to have a scheduled cleaning once in a while.
- Oiling air tools. The air tool’s moving parts need to be lubricated in order to have a better performance. However, putting too much oil can cause a lot of sticky build-up. Just a drop or two of oil is all it needs to last for thousands of movements – though, it is advisable to follow precisely what was set on the guidelines.
- Coiling power cords and hoses properly. It is a safety hazard and is cause for alarm if you have damaged or loose cords and hoses. It can also lead to your power tools not functioning properly. Make sure that you coil your hoses and power cords properly.
- Always keep the manual handy. In case your power tool is not performing well, it is best to have your power tool manual handy for troubleshooting tips.
- Always keep your power tool’s blades sharp. Dull blades can slip and scratch your work and can be a real hazard when we talk about safety in your work place. Besides that, power tools with dull blades can cause its motor to work harder – therefore, increases the chances of damaging your power tool.