Industrial Horizontal Band Saw Machine Maintenance Tip 7 Capital Machinery Sales Blog Thumbnail

Industrial Horizontal Band Saw Machine Maintenance Tip 7

Next tip of our horizontal band saw machine maintenance is the blade pitch.  Pitch is the distance between one tooth tip and the next. Cutting thin sections of material requires a fine pitch (more teeth), and thicker sections require a coarse pitch (fewer teeth). Strive for a minimum of three teeth in the cut. Having six to 12 teeth in the cut at any time is optimal.

On a constant-pitch blade, the distance from one tooth tip to the next tip, gullet depth, and rake angle are uniform throughout the full length. It is typically used for general-purpose cutting.

 A variable-pitch blade has various tooth sizes and gullet depths to reduce noise and vibration when cutting structural, tubing, and solids. The lowest/highest pitch on the blade is signified by two numbers as follows: 10/14, for example.

For questions or inquiries, contact us. Next horizontal band saw machine maintenance tip is about preventing your blade tooth from stripping away, so stay tuned!

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